Michael Masters , the hedge fund (Masters Capital Management LLC .) manager, made some headlines in the Hill and markets for his champions that speculators cause skyrocket high prices for commodities from agricultural grains to metal zinc. Media has raised the questions regarding Mr. Masters's motive because of his investments concentration in transportation. I pull out the his q2 13F regulatory filings via Bloomberg (see the chart below from Bloomberg ), it is interesting to note that he increased weights on industries and utilities, two sectors by 6.1% and 5.8% respectively over 1st q this year. Not surprisingly, two of his top 5 holdings, Delta and US Ariways , make up 33% portfolio. During the quarter, US Airways positions were increased from 2 millions to 4 millions shares, and Delta was almost double the positions too (from 1.05 to 2 millions shares.) I guess the pain must be unbearable when the benchmark crude rocked to over $140 from less than $100 during the quarter. Cer...