The turmoils at FNM and FRE created great anxieties and opportunities for both equities and debt TRADERS. The newly passed housing rescued packages by the Congress and signed the President essentially changed the "implied" to "explicit" US government backings on both quasi agency's outstanding debts. Their spreads to US treasuries have tightened in last few weeks. However, the most liquid 15 yr and 30 yr fixed MBS from Freddie and Fannie were under great pressures in last few days. Using 10 yr swap rate as benchmark, FNCI (15 yr Fannie MBS TBA) was priced to 5.50% with spread of 78 bps, that was 4 times of historical 10 year average (see the first chart). FNCI was traded at the cheapest level since 1998. The 78 bp spread to the swap was about four sigmas of the mean. FNCL (30 yr Fannie MBS TBA) was also trade at the lowest level that we have not seen in the last decade (second chart). Comparing to other investment alternatives, current fixed MBS provided the most attractive risk-reward profiles for long term investors.
US stock market has experienced one of the best first four-month performance over the last four decades, produced 17.5% price return comparing to 19.1% in 1987. It is the third best price return for S&P 500 index since 1950; the top four-month performance belongs to 27.3% in 1975 as the stock market recovered from a severe bear market in 1973-1974 when the index nosedived more than 42% in two years. With calendar flipped into May and onto summer season of sun, beaches, most likely we would hear a lot of about old Wall Street saying “Say in May and go away” in the media. Moreover, primarily because of the unprecedented nature of speed and magnitude of the current market rally against the backdrop of weakening macroeconomic and corporate earnings backdrops during the period. Sell in May and Go Way has delivered 6 times more return Historically, the six months between Nov-April frequently experienced extraordinary stock market performance than the six months between May to Oct...