The financial chaos and sudden downward spiral of global economy have created a wide spread fear in the market places that the impending risk is the possibility of deflation as Japan had experienced in the last decade. This left "real" yield on current 5 yr treasury TIPS at 2.293%, about 29 bps HIGHER than the nominal yield on its big brother, 5-yr treasury note, which was traded at about 2.00%. The yield differences between 5 yr note and TIPS reached at par about a month ago and have steadily declined into negative territories (see the Bloomberg chart below). The spread for 10yr sector also collapsed from long term historical average 210 bps to only a few basis points above zero according to Bloomberg data. What market offer now for investors is you can lock-in at least 2.20% "real" yield if the security is hold until maturity and if there is any positive inflation comparing to the negative "real" yield for the nominal treasury notes. The only risk to hol...